The trailer for Grand Theft Auto V is out and already has fans buzzing about what's in the horizon. What Grand Theft Auto IV did for New York, the same can be said for Grand Theft Auto V and Los Angles. Although I didn't note it on the site (or anywhere else) I had feeling the series was heading towards the west coast for the next chapter. I was thinking San Andreas but Los Santos was a second choice, naturally (IGN confirms it is San Andreas) . On the graphics side, the game looks gorgeous. Definitely a step above Grand Theft Auto IV but we'll have a true comparison when the game is released. Here are a couple of things I picked up from the trailer.

The first thing I noticed was the dog at the beginning of the trailer. Does that mean we're going to see stray dogs moping around neighborhoods? Will there finally be a K9 unit in Grand Theft Auto? If you can kill these dogs, how upset will PETA be? Also in that same scene with the dog I noticed a surfboard by the life house which could mean we finally can surf or have the ability to rescue people in the water. It could be a lifeguard subgame. And speaking of subgames, it looks like Golf and hiking/mountain climbing could be there too. Again maybe not only subgames but the ability to scale mountains, surf the waves, interact in the water could be new experiences within the GTA universe.

The first thing I noticed was the dog at the beginning of the trailer. Does that mean we're going to see stray dogs moping around neighborhoods? Will there finally be a K9 unit in Grand Theft Auto? If you can kill these dogs, how upset will PETA be? Also in that same scene with the dog I noticed a surfboard by the life house which could mean we finally can surf or have the ability to rescue people in the water. It could be a lifeguard subgame. And speaking of subgames, it looks like Golf and hiking/mountain climbing could be there too. Again maybe not only subgames but the ability to scale mountains, surf the waves, interact in the water could be new experiences within the GTA universe.

Secondly, I must be a genius or Rockstar Games can read my mind because I asked for verticality and I got verticality! The trailer highlighted three different instances of planes zooming by, and I can tell we have much more in store! Hopefully we can revisit skydiving from an incredible altitude. Dude.

Lastly, we see a group of gentleman wearing bug exterminator uniforms and brandishing firearms. Either the store must have some really big bugs or they plan on raiding it. This scene could be entirely self-contained or/and it could be the ability to rob stores and banks (just like I wished for!). Once again everything is just speculation based on the brief trailer but I'm excited to uncover what else Grand Theft Auto V has to offer. Stay Tuned.

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